Group sizes should be limited to no more than 8 people with social distancing.

Reservations are required. Arrival time is prior to 12 noon and departing by 12 noon on the date of scheduled departure.

在允许进入之前, it should be asked whether guests are currently exhibiting 新型冠状病毒肺炎 symptoms.

If a guest does have symptoms, they should wait to enter premises until they have had no fever for at least 72 hours, other symptoms have improved, and at least 10 days have passed since their symptoms first appeared.

Only registered guests that arrive with the RV are permitted to the camp ground.

Guests should arrive at the campground prepared with hand sanitizers, 口罩, 清洁工, 食物, 水, 游戏, tools and equipment from home to limit the need to visit retail stores or other public places.

方, 节日, sporting events and other activities that encourage people to congregate are prohibited.

Guests should not host or attend gatherings with people outside their single group occupying the campsite (e.g., outdoor cookouts, campfire gatherings).

Guests are confined to the use of the RV Park.

Encouraged best practices

Guests wear face coverings over their nose and mouth when in the presence of others (exceptions can be made for people with medical conditions or disabilities that prevent them from safely wearing a face covering)

Guests frequently wash hands or use sanitizer

Guests avoid the use of shared amenities (e.g. public bathrooms, shower houses, rental equipment, picnic tables and benches).

  • a. If use cannot be avoided, customers wash or sanitize hands before and after using shared amenities

Occupants are prohibited from doing the following:

  • May not move around the campus for any reason to prevent any contact with other individuals.
  • Entering and exiting the park after set up.
  • Invite outside individuals to the park to attend gatherings.